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4351 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94611

Oakland Technical High School is an academic high school in Oakland, California. It has a wide range of courses that students can take to prepare for college or their career. The student body is made up of over 2,000 students who are looking to be the next generation's leaders in business, engineering, law and medicine.


Oakland Tech offers many clubs and extracurricular activities for its students including robotics club, math team and mock trial team. Students have the opportunity to participate in these clubs on top of their rigorous course load that they must complete every day.    As with all schools there are some limitations when it comes to resources but despite this Oakland Tech does provide quality education opportunities for its students without any financial barriers.

The school's sports teams are known as the Bulldogs, and they participate in the Oakland Athletic League. They have won several championships including a state title for their women’s bowling team. Students at this high school are given many opportunities to excel academically, socially and athletically which allows them to reach new heights both inside and outside of the classroom setting. Oakland Technical High School has been recognized for its excellent and rigorous coursework, receiving the maximum 6-year accreditation from within their Western Association.


Oakland Tech's main building was built in 1914 and resembles the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the 1970s, when many California schools were being demolished for earthquake safety reasons (and due to budget restrictions), this school did not have its old buildings replaced with new ones like most other high-school campuses around town; instead they renovated what remained while preserving their historic facade as well. The city honored them by naming it a 99th Historic Landmark on July 23rd 1985 - just before classes started again after summer break.

• Art Deco design

• Beautiful historic building.

• Honored by the city as a 99th Historic Landmark in 1985

• Renovated while preserving old school look

When the school was closed for earthquake retrofitting in the 1970s, it had been displaced to 5714 Martin Luther King Jr Way (formerly Grove Street). This location is sometimes erroneously referred to as "Old Tech" but actually served as a campus of University High School from 1923-1948 and became known for its Black Panther movement that led them here.

The idea of a Martin Luther King holiday in California had been proposed but not successful at the national level; however, this did not discourage students from Oakland Technical High School who wanted to make it happen. They began collecting signatures and sending them off with mailings addressed specifically for state representatives that were demanding an official recognition of their local hero Dr. MLK Jr.. The campaign worked. and in 1978 legislation was passed establishing “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day” as a public holiday on January 19th- which now falls during Black History Month here across America every year. The following passage details how one student group's efforts led up until today to celebrate "MLK Day."

• Use the power of one person to make a difference

• Inspire people and create change for their communities

• Get involved in your community and make it better

 • Make changes through changing laws


Oakland Technical High School is a top-notch school with high expectations. The student's experience at Oakland Tech can be enriched through the academy system, which operates as an un-learning ground for those looking to explore new opportunities without compromising their regular classes in any way! Students have many different choices when it comes to enrolling into these specialized programs like Computer Academy or FADA ( Fashion Arts Design ). 

• Explore new opportunities with academy programs

• The student's experience is enriched through the academy system

• Computer Academy or FADA ( Fashion Arts Design ) are just two of many different specialized programs

With a focus on mechanical engineering, Oakland Technical High School offers courses for students in 10th grade. The Academy is led by an assistant principal who teaches architecture and drafting as well!

Paideia is an advanced History and English program founded by Mary Ann Wolfe, a political science teacher who worked at Oakland Tech for over thirty years. In the sophomore year of high school students have the option to take Paideia courses in both subjects: English 2- which provides opportunities such as AP or HP credit; World Cultures enables them study abroad experiences through multiple universities around Europe including Oxford University! 11th grade sees even more choice with enrollment into either Advanced Placement Coursework (AP), Honors Program on curriculum development offered locally , National Institute Education Research Project where they can explore their interests further than ever before without any cost attached.

  • Academy System- Explore new opportunities

  • Extracurriculars- Offer every opportunity imaginable

  • Security- Safe environment for students to explore their creativity without stress

  • Increase critical thinking skills

  • Develop deep understanding of historical context

  • Culture, tradition, and history is valued 

When you enroll your child in the Paideia program at Oakland Technical High School their minds will be widened with rich content. They'll explore different perspectives on culture and society through an unilinear perspective. Their knowledge of English will improve greatly as they practice rhetorical discourse to write persuasive essays or debate speeches with classmates. Critical reading skills are honed as they read through complex text that challenges them rather than copy simple articles found online

By Basil D Soufi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Oakland Technical High School offers a variety of course choices for 12th grade students, including AP Government and English 4. In these classes they are able to analyze works from other authors or artists in order to compare it with their own government system as well as any writing style that interests them more than others.

In 2008, the Oakland Technical High School saw over half of its advanced seniors accepted to UC Berkeley. Students regularly score 4s or 5s for AP classes taken in the Paideia program and this year's Race Policy Law Academy began with an enrollment total of 18 students from across 3 different cities.

• Deepen understanding of a variety of literature and art

• Develop an appreciation for a range of styles

• Receive acceptance into top universities 

• Learn more about the United States' government system

 If you're looking for a school with advanced course options, Oakland Technical High School is an excellent choice. With the variety of courses available to 12th grade students in specialized programs like AP Government and English 4 , there's something for everyone. Students also have many different choices when it comes to enrolling into these specialized programs like Computer Academy or FADA ( Fashion Arts Design ). For more information on how Oakland Tech can help your child succeed academically, visit their website today!

Oakland, California is blessed with some of the state’s most diverse and high-achieving high schools. Here’s a list of some of our favorites:

  • Oakland High School

  • Fremont High School

  • Oakland Charter High School

  • Oakland Technical High School

  • Castlemont High School

  • McClymonds High School

  • Holy Names High School

  • Skyline High School 

All of these wonderful high schools are located just a short distance from our historic location at 4226 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland! Stop by for a visit anytime!