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2433 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA 94601

Oakland Charter High School is a free and public charter school that believes in the power of hard work to transform lives. OCHS was established 2007, moving from its downtown Oakland location on Coolidge Avenue where it had been since its founding to Patten University Site last August 2017.


Oakland Charter High School believes that education is a right, not just for the privileged few. They provide an academically rigorous program to empower their students through hard work and character development skills by welcoming families from all walks of life with open arms in order to eliminate distractions so they can focus on academics. In fact, OCHS maintains such a safe campus environment where your child will be surrounded only by other young people committed towards success like them.

• Empower students through rigorous academics

• Offer a safe environment for students to study in

• Provide scholarships and financial aid packages

• Create an individualized curriculum for each student 

• Encourage social mobility

At Oakland Charter High School (OCHS), students need a minimum of 230 credits to graduate. On average, they take 7 classes per year with each course weighing 5 credits and can only receive credit for an A or B grade; therefore it's important that you maintain high academic standards in all your courses so as not let down future Matadors.

• Be challenged with rigorous courses

• Learn at your own pace

• Know that you will graduate on time

• Get into a high-ranking college of your choice

Oakland Charter High School is a public high school in Oakland, California. It has been recognized as one of the top-performing schools in California for three consecutive years by U.S News & World Report and currently serves more than 400 students with an academic core designed to prepare students to graduate college ready while simultaneously meeting post secondary requirements set forth by the State’s new Common Core Standards. With smaller class sizes allowing teacher attention on each student’s individual needs, our academics are taught through project based learning that gives students real world experience working collaboratively with peers across disciplines to solve problems and create meaningful products. Their teachers are energetic professionals who have dedicated their lives to education; they take pride

• Experience personalized education through project based learning

• Get a holistic education that prepares students for college

• We have smaller class sizes with individualized attention 

• Project based learning gives you the tools to succeed in the future

If you are looking to provide your child with the best education possible, check out Oakland Charter High School. They work hard to give students an education that will prepare them for college and beyond!

5 Foundations of Oakland Charter High School

The Oakland Charter High School is a place where you can find your future.  Oakland's five foundations are the basis of all we do at this school - they make us who we want to be and what each student achieves, no matter their background or interests; every day should feel like an opportunity for growth.

Foundation 1: High Expectations

Focused on high expectations for the future, this foundation will help cultivate a culture where every individual feels empowered and capable. With an emphasis on communication skills and respectful relationships amongst coworkers or students we aim to create change through teamwork rather than competition.

Foundation 2: The Results Driven Learning

Oakland Charter High School is a school that revolves around the idea of results-driven learning. This means they want their students to be able to achieve what it takes for college and career success, so much work goes into helping them find out exactly where you fit in your academics with habits like getting ahead on homework assignments or taking challenging classes as well!

Foundation 3: Cultivating Excellent Talent 

Includes the five qualities of superior character, thirst for knowledge and understanding in oneself as well as one's community so that each individual can reach their potential; self-confidence surrounding personal ability while promoting an environment where others are encouraged not only to teach but learn from them too

Foundation 4: Relationships and Partnerships program

To give students every opportunity they need in order for them to succeed both academically as well as socially/emotionally so that their future is limitless.

Foundations 5: Building an AMPS Culture

To create a culture of positivity and achievement at Oakland Charter High School. This begins with one person, yourself. As the next generation emerges into adulthood it will be imperative that they come in contact with only those people who welcome them as equals regardless if they are friends or not.

Oakland harter High School is a public high school in Oakland, California. It has been recognized as one of the top-performing schools in California for three consecutive years by U.S News & World Report with small class sizes to allow teacher attention on each student’s individual needs. You can find more information about this public high school at their website.

By Basil D Soufi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Oakland, California is blessed with some of the state’s most diverse and high-achieving high schools. Here’s a list of some of our favorites:

  • Oakland High School

  • Fremont High School

  • Oakland Charter High School

  • Oakland Technical High School

  • Castlemont High School

  • McClymonds High School

  • Holy Names High School

  • Skyline High School 

All of these wonderful high schools are located just a short distance from our historic location at 4226 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland! Stop by for a visit anytime!