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Oikos University

7901 Oakport St, Oakland, CA 94621, United States


Oikos University is a private university located in Oakland, California. Oikos University has been established as a pioneer for educational innovation and excellence. Oikos University offers a spectrum of programs from undergraduate to doctoral levels with the goal of providing students with an enriched learning experience that will prepare them to meet the needs of their future. Oikos University's mission is "to empower students, faculty, and staff to reach their full potential through academic excellence." In this article, we will explore Oikos' history as well as its innovative teaching strategies.



Oikos University was founded in 2004 by Jongin Kim, a pastor and former South Korean military officer who emigrated from his country of birth to the United States. In doing so he became a NAE/T Degree Holding Board Certified Pastoral Ministries Doctorate with over 20 years experience as both a chaplain for Christians at large companies or organizations that needed spiritual guidance on how they can remain strong during times where everything seems lost; but also worked specifically within coalitions providing relief services after natural disasters hit areas all around Asia including North Korea following its collapse due to lack humanitarian aid coming into those regions - especially since some were left homeless because there wasn't enough time before winter set-in again making life even more difficult than usual.


Oikos University is a university with multiple campuses in California that offers accredited courses for the completion of bachelor's degrees. It has been approved to operate by the state Board Of Vocational Nursing And Psychiatric Technicians as well, which means it can provide services such as nursing or therapy work too! The school currently holds candidate status at TRACS-recognized agency recognized both nationally and locally among other things - so if you're looking into becoming an acupuncturist soon then your search should come here first because they have all these requirements covered.

Oikos University is a private university that was approved to operate in California on May 13, 2011, by the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education. They are also approved by the State Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians as well as having applied for recognition from Healthcare Medicine Institute which currently has candidate status with TRACS (Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools), an agency recognized both within America's borders and abroad through Council For Higher Education Accreditation.

Application Procedure And Academics

The three-step application procedure has three stages. All of them must be completed before the university's acceptance becomes final.

  • Submit a completed application with required documents and fees.

Please make sure that you have included all of the required documents in your application. Incomplete applications will be delayed while we check for missing information.

  • Letter of Acceptance

Once your application has been reviewed for approval, we will send you the letter of acceptance along with information about subsequent steps. It is important that you read them thoroughly and take appropriate action in a timely manner.

  • Intent to Enroll

You're committing yourself to your education by returning signed forms with the deposit. The University needs this proof in order for everything else, like registering for classes and getting financial aid packages put together!

Oikos University welcomes applicants with high school diplomas, GEDs, or related life experience. Oikos University also works closely with local community colleges in order to provide students with an educational pathway that can help them transition into Oikos' innovative teaching practices. Oikos has the capability of accepting international students too so if you happen to be one of those who are willing to relocate then Oikos University is the place for you!

Oikos University offers Bachelor's degrees in Oceania Business Administration, Health Science, and Oceania Leadership & Organizational Management. Oikos' rigorous academic expectations have helped students from all walks of life graduate and move on to great things in their future. Oikos University's faculty has been cultivated by its founder who also happens to be a Doctor of Ministry himself so you're definitely in good hands when it comes down to getting the best education that Oikos is offering. Oikos University prides itself in training its students to become professionals who are ready for the working world too - so if you're looking forward to being a nurse or therapist then Oikos University is your best bet! Oikos University has received accreditation from TRACS, an agency recognized by both state and national education authorities.

By Basil D Soufi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Oakland, California is blessed to be surrounded by some of the country’s most amazing universities. Here’s a list of some of our favorites you don’t want to miss:

  • Samuel Merritt University

  • Lincoln University

  • University of California at Berkeley

  • Holy Names University

  • Mills College

  • Patten University

  • Oaksterdam University

  • Oikos University

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

All of these wonderful universities are located just a short distance from our historic location at 4226 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland! Stop by for a visit anytime!