Oakland parks are a vital part of the city that provides many recreation, relaxation, and socializing opportunities. However, these parks can also be dangerous places to visit if you don't protect yourself from crime.
For some people, visiting East Bay Regional Park District parklands and trails is a way to escape the hectic city. However, there are risks involved in any outdoor activity- not just when hiking on an unfamiliar trail or biking through rugged terrain. It's important that you minimize your "risk factors" while enjoying this natural space as well as anywhere else by following each of these tips:
1) Stay aware of what’s going around you at all times;
2) Carry bear pepper spray with you (and know how to use it);
3) Plan ahead for emergencies such as getting lost and bring water along;
4) Be observant about other hikers/bikers who might have bad intentions;
5) Know the dangers before you go. A back-up plan is important if your destination park has a lot of people, so have one in place and be sure to check it for restrictions too!
6) Remember that there might not be water available at all times, or any bathrooms (temporarily closed), which means bringing soap/hand sanitizer with you on your trip as well.
7) Stay safe with a hiking buddy.
8) Carry the medication you need and know how to use it
9) Let 911 find a solution if an emergency arises
10) Use your cell phone for help if needed
11) Double check that you aren't leaving valuables in plain sight to avoid auto burglaries
Be safe when going outdoors by finding out what precautions are recommended; learn more about them here: parks.ca.gov/SafetyTips
A friendly reminder to share the road
When you're driving, always remember that there are many different types of people who use it.
Stay in your lane on blind curves and do not cut corners; don't pass others when double-yellow lines forbid doing so.
Be prepared for equestrians, pedestrians or joggers you may encounter along the way as well as wildlife like deer running across roads at night time - even rocks can cause accidents if they fall from cliff sides onto highways!
Hiking with Dogs in the Parks
Before you leave home, it's important to pack enough water for both yourself and your dog.
Have snacks handy just in case.
Bring a leash (no longer than six feet) for each of your dogs as well as harnesses if needed - make sure they're all ready before heading out!
If the weather is warm where you plan on hiking, try walking during shaded areas or avoiding going out during peak hours of sun exposure; this will help keep everyone cool.
Hiking with Kids
When hiking with children, consider trail conditions, weather, and the physical condition of your child.
Start out low mileage then work up as they become more experienced hikers that are able to do longer hikes.
Remember kids tire easily so don't push them too hard on their first few trips.
Bring plenty of water for yourself and snacks; wear sunglasses or sunscreen hat when you go outside in sunny areas like mountainside trails where there is little shade available.
By Basil D Soufi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22023379
Oakland, California is blessed with some of the area’s most amazing parks. Here’s a list of some of our favorites:
Joaquin Miller Park
Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park
Mosswood Park
Dimond Park
Temescal Regional Recreation Area
De Fremery Park
Rockridge-Temescal Greenbelt
Roberts Regional Recreation Area
Snow Park
All of these wonderful parks are located just a short distance from our historic location at 4226 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland! Stop by for a visit anytime!